Saturday, September 10, 2011

La Dolce Vegan Challenge

A couple of months ago I found this great blog which issued a challenge to cook through Sarah Cramer's cookbook "La Dolce Vegan".

Since I've been struggling to be consistent in going vegan I thought this would be a useful thing to participate in. The problem is that I didn't get my book (which I ordered through Amazon) before the start of the challenge.

Now I'm 10 days behind.

But...I will not be deterred. I'm actually not doing this to win a prize so much as I thought the daily schedule would help me cook my way to a healthier diet. So I'm starting today. I will play catch up with the days I missed as much as possible but am going on forward.

Today I will be making Portabello Mushroom Pie.l.and since I'm feeling ambitious Espresso Cake with Chocolate Glaze. I'll post a pic when I'm done.