Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Pokes are Worth It

In the first week since I've begun monitoring my glucose levels, and changing my whole way of eating, I'm already seeing some success. 

Glucose levels which started off high have tapered down to between normal levels before and after meals. And yesterday, I remained in the target ranges all day (with the exception of the fasting blood glucose---still too high every morning).

So hooray for progress!

It has meant giving up caffiene and (obviously) added sugar. I'm looking at the carbs on everything and convenience cooking is out the window but it does seem to be helping. I've been warned not to get too worried if my glucose levels shoot up again in spite of doing everything I'm supposed to do but so far so good.

Now if I could just get all the stores to hide the Halloween candy....

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Thought and Time Consuming Realities of Diabetes

So, there are very good reasons why (if you are diagnosed with pre-diabetes) one should listen to one's doctor and follow the recommendations of losing weight (although not easy with age & hypothyroidism but having slow, positive impact), exercising (still working on that one), and altering one's eating profile.

You know, before actually jumping the line from "pre" into "diabetes". Here's why:

The Obvious: Various health issues ranging from neuropathy of the feet (which I have had in varying degrees for two years and is a drag), potential blindness, dental issues, possible kidney ailments, heart disease, etc.

The Not-So-Obvious: There is SO much you have to consider when you have diabetes (every day stuff you take for granted) from poking your finger for a blood glucose check (before and after meals), checking your feet daily for injury or problems, the medicines you can ingest (cough drops, allergy/cold/flu medicatons, etc), the types of food you can eat (and I'm not talking sweets or junk food) which could be high carb foods (including peas, corn, etc), putting a major kibosh on caffiene (that's a tough one for this Diet Mtn Dew drinker).

Yes. I have been given permission to be obsessive.

And it's exhausting!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Diabetes Is Quite the Wake Up Call

Here's the thing.

I've known about this possiblity for two years.

Two years.

Yet, I did not make the changes which could have prevented a diagnosis. I could have altered my lifestyle but chose instead to ignore (stick my head in the sand--foolish) and think "No. This isn't going to happen".

And so now, my life is measured in a series of blood glucose checks before meals, after meals, etc. An exercise which can prove to be both encouraging and discouraging.

This is my life now. I have diabetes.