Thursday, October 28, 2010

Flax and Granola Pancake!

I love pancakes!


Ever since I was a little girl and my mother started making me buttermilk pancakes (Bisquick!)I have thought they were the perfect breakfast treat. Better than waffles, more scrumptious than French toast (well...maybe not) pancakes have always meant comfort.

The great thing is I can now VEGANIZE THEM! I can even make my pancakes more healthy and tasty. For instance, today I made enough pancake batter (you don't even have to make it from scratch anymore!)for one fairly large pancake, but to boost the nutrition factor I added three tbsps of Flaxseed Meal, mixing it until fully incorporated. After pouring the batter in the pan and letting it cook a bit (until the edges rounded up a little) I sprinkled a quarter cup of Pumpkin Flax Granola onto it and finished cooking it.

SO YUM!! The pancake was more filling than when I've eaten simple Buttermilk pancakes in the past. Honestly, I could only eat half of the pancake and I wasn't hungry again until lunch-time. A very good choice for a healthier breakfast which I shall definitely do again.

Hmmmm...maybe next time I'll add blueberres.

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