Friday, October 29, 2010

It's all about the B's

It seems that if you want to control your cholesterol naturally (specifically raise your good HDL) and you don't want to take medication (which I don't), the important thing to remember is:

It's all about the B's.

B3 or Niacin, to be exact.

I got a phone call from my doctor saying that we could try to tackle my cholesterol level by taking a Niacin supplement.


Of course, there is the possibility of side effects.

Bummer :(

So I decided to find out if there is a way I can boost my Niacin levels through food and a lower dose of B3. As it turns out there are quite a few foods which give you the cholesterol friendly extra B3 vitamin.


Kidney Beans
Soy Beans
Sea Vegetables
Fortified soy milk

So I think I shall make sure I have these foods in my cupboard or fridge and go pick up a bottle of B3 (Niacin). Time will tell (four months until my next blood work) if going the natural route will straighten my cholesterol levels but I am confident it will.


  1. Congrats on finding your natural alternatives :)

    I always seem to turn to herbs and make a tea when I find myself needing an extra vitamin or mineral in my diet; have you looked that way, as well?

    Good luck as you continue your journey!

  2. I hadn't thought about herbal teas. I'll have to look into that, thanks :)
